Cyber bullying - heads up! – Educating the educators (CybMobb)
Lifelong Learning Programme, Sybprogramm Grundtvig, Partnership
Sub-programme: COMENIUS

Konsortium CybMobb:
- Stiftung Medien und Onlinesucht, Partners:
- Studio GAUS, Germany:,
- Edukácia@Internet, Slovakia, Non-profit non governmental organisation,
- Lernwerkstatt Europa , NGO, България/ Bulgaria,
- Liceul Teoretic Nikolaus Lenau, ROMANIA,
- COLEGIO SAGRADO CORAZÓN – ESCLAVAS, Valencia, SPAIN General secondary school,
- Klaipėdos Simono Dacho progimnazija, LITHUANIA,
- Inter-kulturo, mednarodni kulturno izobraževalni center, d.o.o, SME, Slowenia,
About:Digital devices and the internet play a significant role in children’s lives, thus today’s children are living in an environment that is radically different from that of their parents. Virtual environments are increasingly prevalent in private and educational environments. Almost all children use new media daily. Even though this is perfectly safe most of the time, there are also some risks. Hence, constant education about safe usage of new media and parents' and teacherss' involvement is required. However, teachers and parents are less confident, when using new media, than their children and pupils. Different analyses and reports on internet safety give the same recommendation: "Parents and teachers need to improve their technological skills in order to overcome differences in the level of knowledge between themselves and the teenagers." Especially when it comes to the topic of cyber bullying, it directly affects schools. Teachers should thus be well prepared to deal with it and be involved in prevention of cyber bullying.
The goal of the project is to develop a European website providing further education for teachers with information and ready-to-use downloadable instructional materials on cyber bullying in order to help developing school curricula for prevention of cyber bullying and to provide teachers with enough information to be able to react in cases of cyber bullying among school pupils. The website will also be an up-to-date networking resource, which is easy accessible and user-friendly for the widest possible range of users. This way, teachers will be able share materials and experiences with their colleagues. The website will be available in Bulgarian, German, Lithuanian, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian and Spanish.
Eight partners from 7 countries are collaborating on this two-year project. You can contact our team at info(at)
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Positionspapier Partner Cyb-Mobb
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use of the information contained therein.