Projekt: “STASI – Protection of personal rights
The human dignity before and after the demolition of the Wall”

Program "Europe for Citizens"
Measure 4 - Active European memory
Koordinator: Recht in Europa e.V. Germany,

Europe for Citizens

Partners: Stiftung Medien-und Onlinesucht, Germany,
Lernwerkstatt Europa e.V. Bulgaria,
Društvo za evropsko zavest, Slovenia,

Duration: 01.12.2014 – 31.01.2016

Brief description of the project:

The STASI Project subjects to discussion and reassessment of one German STASI story in a pan-European context, 25 years after the demolition of the Wall and the end of the “state under surveillance”. On one side, the mechanisms that the ex-German Democratic Republic has applied to penetrate the most intimate area of people’s life are exposed. On other side awareness is raised, through which the current threats to the human dignity in a globalized world can be ceased, using mechanisms for data preservation and supervision.The specific subject here is the digitalization of the supervision.

Among the population knowledge on legal system and regulations on data protection is not well distributed; so many uninformed citizens consider Internet as some sort of a zone, free from the law. But everybody have rights and obligations in the real life as well as in the online world. That’s why all users/citizens will be informed, through the STASI Project, and sensibility will arise regarding the data preservation sector. The media and law education for the citizens is a key matter that has existed in the shades for quite a long time. The results are insecurity and mistakes when using the new media.

Through the implementation of the STASI Project, The Law in Europe Association and the partner organizations in Germany, Romania, Bulgaria and Slovenia will create awareness for data protection and preservation and through the events the organizations will contribute to education, notification and safety. Through the events in the STASI Project the citizens receive direct information on the most important issues for the data protection, like copyrights, contents protection, technical protection, upload and download of contents, cyber harassment and others, for improved responsibility in the area of data protection and security.

The Agenda for Pleven, STASI Project, 09.11.2015
More for the project in section “News” and on the

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use of the information contained therein.